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The Complete Food Counter 4th Edition by Karen J Nolan ~ Updated and revised The Complete Food Counter 4th Edition is the most dependable resource available about the foods you eat This easytounderstand easytouse comprehensive guide from nationally recognized nutrition experts Karen J Nolan and JoAnn Heslin provides the information you need whether your goal is to lose weight protect yourself against disease or simply pay more attention to what you eat
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The Calorie Counter by Karen J Nolan JoAnn Heslin ~ The Calorie Counter 6th Edition is the only book you will ever need to lose weight and keep it off This handy guide includes uptodate calorie counts for more than 20000 foods including thousands of brandname and generic items more than 900 takeout options and menu choices from 110plus national and regional restaurant chains solutions for reallife dieting dilemmas advice for avoiding dieting myths and land mines that can sabotage your success easy mealtime tips that put you
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