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Results Renter's Rights: The Basics
Understanding Your Basic Rights as a Renter Renters Guide ~ Understanding Your Basic Rights as a Renter Laws help protect renters in a range of situations from getting repairs made to breaking your lease or being evicted Understanding your renters rights – determined by state and federal law as well as what’s in your rental lease – can help protect you in a range of situations
Tenants Rights Basics FindLaw ~ Tenants also have certain rights under federal state and some local laws These include the right to not be discriminated against the right to a habitable home and the right to not be charged more for a security deposit than is allowed by state law to name just a few
Renters Tenants Rights Nolo ~ Renters Rights Get the straightshooting guide to handling bill splitting security deposits roommate troubles bad landlords and more more Residential Rental Application Use this easytouse form to apply for a rental unit or to hand out to prospective renters
11 Los Angeles renters’ rights your landlord doesn’t want ~ 11 Los Angeles renters’ rights your landlord doesn’t want you to know But how many of those renters are familiar with their basic rights as tenants There are online repositories of
Renters Rights Legal Book on Tenants Rights Nolo ~ Turn to Renters Rights if you need to break a lease and leave early sublet your apartment deal with unwelcome landlord intrusions resolve a dispute with your roommate get your landlord to make repairs collect your full security deposit when you move out fight discrimination or retaliation and
9 Renters Rights Your Landlord Doesn’t Want You To Know ~ Tenant’s unions across the country are organizing campaigns to improve the laws to support rent stabilization just cause evictions leads inspections and to equip renters with a basic bill of rights If you are a concerned renter contact your local tenants’ union and see how you can get involved There are a lot of online resources too
Tenants’ Rights Knowing Your Rights as a Tenant LegalZoom ~ Renters Rights are a series of federal state and local laws that are designed to prevent housing discrimination and rent gouging while ensuring that tenants have a safe clean place to live They also provide tenants with legal recourse if the landlord lets the property to become uninhabitable
Tenant Rights FindLaw ~ The following articles will help you understand your rights as a tenant how lease and rental agreements work payment of rent and security deposits tenant safety landlord liability the eviction process and more This section also provides links to state landlordtenant laws with tips on hiring a real estate lawyer
Overview of LandlordTenant Laws in California Nolo ~ State law regulates several rentrelated issues including late and bouncedcheck fees the amount of notice landlords must give tenants to raise the rent and how much time three days in California a tenant has to pay rent or move before a landlord can file for eviction
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