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Results Easy Mind-Reading Tricks
5 Easy Mind Reading Tricks Fool Everyone with These ~ This easy mind reading tricks needs a phone book and two spectators who can calculate fairly fast First call on the first audience member and ask them for a 3digit number Alternatively to make your audience more involved ask three different audiences for one number each and combine them to make one 3digit number
4 Easy Mind Reading Tricks REVEALED ~ This one among the easy mind reading tricks relies on the onedimensional thought process of humans This trick involves the following steps Pick a number from 1 to 10 Multiply the selected number by 9 If that number is of two digits make it one by adding the digits Subtract one from the answer
Easy MindReading Tricks Robert Mandelberg Ferruccio ~ Easy MindReading Tricks Robert Mandelberg Ferruccio Sardella on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Dazzle friends family and acquaintances with a series of mindblowing psychic feats that will have them demanding an encore Robert Mandelbergcomedian
5 EASY MIND READING TRICKS REVEALED Mentalism Minds ~ Easy Mind Reading Tricks Revealed – Pick the Cards Prearrange the cards so that you have three sets at the top In front of the subject make the 3 piles from the top of the deck without showing Get a piece of paper and tell the viewer you will read their mind to find which pile they will
Easy Mind Reading Prediction Tricks ~ Easy Magic The Color Spelling Trick If you want to read minds or make a wild prediction that somehow comes true heres a collection of easy tricks that you can learn and perform for your friends Youll find some winners here
Learn 5 Simple Easy Magic and MindReading Tricks ~ Magic Place all the cards on a table and declare you will be reading the mind of a member in the audience Let someone come forward Ask them to think of a number between 1 and 14 and then pick up every card on the table that bears that number Then you can make a big show of announce the correct number
4 Amazing Mind Reading Tricks Mentalism Zone ~ 4 Amazing Mind Reading Tricks Simple Mind Reading The Ultimate Mind Reading Card The Mind Reading Audition Instant Mind Discover the secret that master mentalists use to mystify their
15 Simple But MindBending Mind Tricks To Fool Your ~ Mind tricks are popular because anyone can use them in any setting Whether at a party at home at school or during a trip you can always awe your friends with mindbending mind tricks The Beauty of Mind Tricks This dictionary mind reading trick is incredible and you can dazzle your friends with it any time Here is how it goes
10 Most Popular Mind Reading Tricks Revealed Mentalism ~ Welcome to my post 10 Most Popular Mind Reading Tricks RevealedIf youve been banging your head against the wall each time you watch a mentalism trick happening trying to figure out the secret behind its success then this one is for you
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